Look after your

            Tennis Balls!


 Stand out from the     crowd and have your  name on your balls.

      Cost same as

   a cup of coffee or

        half a beer

   (gone in 2 minutes!)



Tennis  Balls  

        UK ball producer of Tennis  balls and  many other balls since 1936,  

All other  brands of tennis balls are foreign imports generally made down to ‘price points’.

This is not what we do!

concentrating on  Specials, Quality Top end products, and personalized balls for all.


Developing  balls for the Sports Associations and brands, we  produce Racketball balls,Irish Handball  balls, Fives balls, Tennis balls and Squash balls of all  speeds.


The larger Magnum type 3 tennis  World Standard  

Patented Red 75 mini tennis balls for the LTA and now the World Standard.  

Official balls for England Squash & Racketball Assoc  for ‘Mini Squash’.

Official balls for RBA and ESRA  ‘Racketball’


 Personalising balls for all purposes


Tennis ball facts:

1. Balls were bigger, these days practically the smallest size allowed

 2. They are Much harder than they used to be.

 3. Tennis  has declined OVER 35%  during the past 25 years. Don’t agree ?..

...look at Official published figures.


 Balls for the very young in  tennis  started out  65mm dia, then

 larger balls at 70mm came along. After long comprehensive

testing the Lawn Tennis Association settled size  was

                                   the    75mm  Price Red75  


          English tennis balls




Price also make WHITE tennis balls, BLACK tennis balls, BLUE tennis balls, PINK tennis balls, PURPLE tennis balls, ORANGE tennis balls,


PASTEL colour tennis balls, GREEN tennis balls,

PLUS  Tennis balls of any other colour you can think of .

TWO COLOUR tennis balls in any combination.

MIXED COLOURS in tubes of 3 and 4 balls.

SCENTED tennis balls.


Balls for  MINI TENNIS  were developed and are the PRICE patented  Red mini tennis ball, the Orange ball for mini tennis and Green ball for mini tennis.


Tennis balls, made in England

   Tennis Balls Made in England

Tennis balls made in England

   Be different on court

        Have your name printed on your balls.! Personalised Tennis Balls Made in the UK

Union Jack
 tennis balls,  personalised tennis balls for presents,gifts
Tennis balls personalized for presents
white Tennis balls personalized for presents
Pink tennis balls, personalised
OrangeTennis balls  for a present
blue tennis balls,personalised
Tennis Balls branded,printed,with company names