
                 NO NEED TO ASK  where can I get Tennis,Mini tennis balls, Padel balls or balls for Racketball.
                               BUY DIRECT FROM  J PRICE,THE manufacturer,  or from a local stockist or club.
                   We also provide:
                                     tennis ball branding, Monogramming,company branding on balls,personalising of
                                         high quality tennis balls in : Yellow,Pink, White, Orange, Black,
                                                            pastel shades and  many other colours of balls

         The first RED mini tennis balls were  65mm in diameter.  Then 70mm appeared for a while,
                   BUT after comprehensive development and patented by derek Price,
    The Lawn Tennis Association  chose75mm   All others  being sold are either undersize  

                                 Or infringements of the Price patent
Tough & last longer
RED  minitennis balls
Orange mini tennis ball
Orange mini tennis ball
Orange mini tennis ball
Orange mini tennis ball
Green Mini tennis ball
Green Mini tennis ball
Green Mini tennis ball
Green Mini tennis ball
Green Mini tennis ball



  There are three different Balls for minitennis...starter RED, progressing to ORANGE  

                               and then GREEN. before regular balls.


   Before minitennis, there was ‘Short tennis’..’Compact  tennis’..’Play & Stay’,

     ‘Junior tennis’ balls.   

                                    The name  changed over the years !

               Umpteen  varieties on market..75’s,70’s,‘BIG’,Sponge and others.

                            ALL copies, all imported,.. unknown quality.

     What to buy?????....



   What kind of ball to buy to start a child off in tennis?

For young children a  lighter, slower ball, is recommended  so they have    fun as well as learning to hit the ball. The durable RED 75 was designed and developed for the LTA for just this purpose.


As they progress they change to a smaller ball,softer, lighter

than a regular ball and with a slow bounce, so they  gain confidence and enjoy the learning. The Price mini orange was   developed for this.


With increasing skill, confidence and strength, the next move is to an intermediate ball,.The same size and weight as a regular tennis ball, but softer and slower and a little lower in bounce.

The PRICE  mini green was designed for this.

As they continue to develop skill and strength there comes a point when it is time for the move to  regular balls. Of course children learn at different speeds.

    The Red 75, sometimes called minitennis red.    Designed,developed and patented by Price of  Bath

                           in the year 2000.

                     It is the Standard ball

           of the Lawn Tennis Association

       and the International T ennis Federation  

        The STANDARD for the WHOLE WORLD

  All other Red balls are poor attempts to copy

             without infringing our patent

                      made in the UK     by Price of Bath

         Patented minitennis balls- English made

Union Jack
    Super tough , LASTS TWO  to THREE  seasons.!
Union Jack
CLICK here
 The English Ball

Minitennis balls, made in England

 tennis balls,  personalised tennis balls for presents,gifts
Tennis balls personalized for presents
white Tennis balls personalized for presents
OrangeTennis balls  for a present
blue tennis balls,personalised
Tennis Balls branded,printed,with company names
Pink tennis balls, personalised