Bowls mats
Available in a number of colours
Also used by schools and coaches
for teaching tennis
and other games
£1.35 Colour fast
£1.10 Standard colour
65p for black
RUBBER DISCS. Sold under many different names but we are the makers !.
We produce them as rubber spots, rubber dots, throw down spots, throw down throw
down spots, rubber throw down dots and floor markers,
Also Sequencing spots, spots markers, spot markers, rubber spot markers, flat disc
markers and play ground markers,
Other names are Crown green footers,Crown green mats, disc spot down spot markers,
flat rubber disc spot markers and finally, throw down dots.
Used as throw down spots or throw down markers, these have been made for many years
, Used for Crown green bowls, for coaching tennis, in playgrounds as markers, spot
markers also known as throw down disks.Made in several colours and can be made to
order in different colours
Unlike plastic discs our rubber disks are soft, non slip. Made quite heavy so they stay where placed.